Main 10 Hilarious Jokes

Main 10 Most Funny Jokes 

1-Animal Joke 

The front entryway was inadvertently left open and our puppy was no more. After unsuccessfully shrieking and calling, my spouse got in the auto and went searching for him. 

He drove around the area for quite a while with no good fortune. At long last he halted close to a couple out for a walk and inquired as to whether they had seen our pooch. funny short jokes

You mean the one after your auto? they inquired. 

2-Bar Joke 

An apparition strolls into a bar at midnight, and approaches the barkeep for a Whisky. The barkeep says " Sorry we don't serve spirits after 11" funny short jokes

3-Blonde Joke 

Q. What did the blonde say to the physicist? 

A. "Why, I just _love_ atomic splitting! What do you utilize forbait?" 

4-Celebrity Joke 

What were Dodi's last words? 

'Quicker! Quicker!' 

Clue: The driver misconstrued the declarations of delight for requests... subsequently the mischance. 

5-Clean Joke 

The Senate is researching tricky sweepstakes hones. 

These organizations focus on the elderly and make them think they will get a bundle of cash, however in all actuality they never see any of it. 

The most famous of these tricks is called Social Security 

6-Computer Joke 

How does a UNIX master engage in sexual relations? 

Unfasten; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; unmount; rest. funny short jokes

7-Dirty Joke 

"Following 10 years of marriage, sex with my wife is down to three times each year." 

"Same here, Pal. Indeed, if mine didn't lay down with her mouth open, I'd have none by any means." 

8-Fart Joke 

What do flatulates and Enrique Iglesias have in like manner? 

a. They were both raised on beans. 

b. They both have chestnut things on their cheeks. 

c. They both experience difficulty singing in tight jeans. funny short jokes

c. They both stink. 

9-Free Joke 

What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman? 

Have an ice day! 

10-Funny Joke 

In what manner would you be able to tell when you're sleeping with Count Dracula? 

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